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Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH) recognized a need to modernize their Central Sterile Processing Department (CSPD). Their goal was to revolutionize CSPD to be a world-class model that other institutions would be able to emulate. With the construction of a new healthcare tower, BCH wanted to ensure they could meet the evolving CSPD demands and maintain patient safety. To help them accomplish these goals, they engaged Surgical Directions as their CSPD consulting partner.


  • Older processes at Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH) Central Sterile
    Processing Department (CSPD)
  • Desire to improve transparency and quality control to prevent defects
    and inefficiencies
  • Need to adapt to evolving health-care landscape and construction
    of new healthcare tower
  • Opportunity to enhance collaboration, governance,
    customer-centricity, and accountability


  1. Enhanced Transparency: Implement SPM Surgical Asset Tracking Software for end-to-end instrument trackingTo address improved transparency, BCH implemented SPM Surgical Asset Tracking Software. This software provided end-to-end visibility into instrument tracking, enabling stakeholders to track instruments from drop-off to pick-up. The implementation included cataloging and marking instruments with barcodes to align with the tracking process. This increased
    transparency throughout the instrument tracking lifecycle, enhancing customer satisfaction and accountability
  2. Quality Assurance Process: Develop robust multi-step QA process to audit 100% of first case trays, before sterilization and again in the operating room (OR), aiming for 0% defect rate
    BCH developed a robust Quality Assurance (QA) process to audit 100% of first case trays, before sterilization and again in the operating rooms (ORs). The goal was to achieve a nearly 0% defect rate, ensuring the highest quality of instrument trays for surgical procedures. Quality assurance tech positions were implemented to support this initiative. These techs were responsible for auditing trays for accuracy and readiness for processing, providing immediate constructive feedback and coaching to minimize defects. Documentation of each audit was automatically sent to relevant stakeholders, facilitating real-time monitoring and corrective actions.
  3. Technological Upgrades: Integrate touchscreen monitors and scan-point upgrades to streamline operations
    Technological upgrades were integrated to streamline operations and enhance productivity. Touchscreen monitors were added to every workstation in the decontamination area, providing staff with real-time access to the tracking software without having to walk to an available monitor. Scan point upgrades were also implemented to limit time spent searching for missing items, further optimizing workflows and reducing inefficiencies.
  4. Team Collaboration and Education: Foster culture of teamwork, continuous learning and accountability through leadership presence on the floor, department huddles, and multi-disciplinary collaborative reviews
    BCH fostered a culture of teamwork and continuous learning within the CSPD. Daily huddles were implemented to enhance communication and collaboration among team members. Standardized orientation and training programs were developed to ensure competency across all levels of staff. This included a 12-week orientation and training program, where techs rotated through different areas and underwent competency assessments. These initiatives empowered staff to take ownership of their roles and drive continuous improvement.
  5. Strategic Partnerships: Partner with OR nursing and surgeon leaders to align with industry standards and best practices
    Strategic partnerships were established with surgeons and nursing OR leaders to align with industry standards and best practices. Multidisciplinary workgroups were formed to focus on implementing updated standards and policies. This collaboration facilitated the sharing of knowledge and expertise, ensuring that BCH remained at the forefront of patient safety and quality care


  • Heightened customer satisfaction and transparency
  • Improved operational efficiency and productivity
  • Created cohesive team dynamics and culture of continuous improvement
  • Achieved nearly a 0% tray defect rate, positioning BCH as a leader
    in patient safety and quality care
  • Earned BCH the Healthcare Sterile Processing Association’s
    Quality Award in 2024


Through a comprehensive approach that encompassed technological upgrades, process optimizations, and a focus on teamwork and education, Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH) transformed its Central Sterile Processing Department into a beacon of excellence in healthcare delivery. Heightened transparency, improved quality control, and enhanced operational efficiency have positioned BCH as a leader in patient safety and quality care. The achievement of a near 0% defect rate underscores BCH’s commitment to excellence and continuous improvement, ensuring its continued success as a world-class healthcare institution. Their Healthcare Sterile Processing Association Quality Award further showcases their achievement.


  • Leslie Basham

    Leslie is passionate about partnering with healthcare executives to improve the health and wellbeing of the communities they serve, while profitably growing their organizations. As President and CEO of Surgical Directions, Leslie is responsible for building meaningful relationships with clinicians and administrators, ensuring high quality work and insights, and delivering measurable outcomes.

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  • Amanda Kieser Montgomery

    Amanda is a transformational leader with the ability to inspire and empower teams to drive results. Her experience in operational and process improvement initiatives spans clinical and non-clinical departments in academic medical centers. In the perioperative service line, Amanda has proven positive outcomes in increased block utilization, improved resource allocation and optimized scheduling processes.

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At Surgical Directions, We Offer a Variety of Central Sterile Processing Optimization Services.

Leslie Basham

Leslie is passionate about partnering with healthcare executives to improve the health and wellbeing of the communities they serve, while profitably growing their organizations. As President and CEO of Surgical Directions, Leslie is responsible for building meaningful relationships with clinicians and administrators, ensuring high quality work and insights, and delivering measurable outcomes.